We are Missionary Sister with a Vocation work for Unity
Our Motto: “Thy Kingdom Come”
Within us
Between us
Around us
Women of faith who live a life of Contemplation in Action
Driven by a love of Christ, the Virgin Mary and the Church (to be deepened continually and taken "to the world")
Living in International and Inter-generational Communities With an ardent desire for the Coming of God's Kingdom:
Open to the modern world with a Passion for Mission. In collaboration with our Brothers: The Augustinians of the Assumption
Our Vision and some of our Missions today
Adaptability has always been one of the marks of the Oblates. Having been sent initially to teach and encourage relationships with the Eastern Churches, the Russo-Turkish War of l877 brought in its wake famine and disease. Soon the Oblates were in charge of two hundred war-orphans, besides running Field Hospitals and dispensaries. And so the story continues to this day: essentially, we mould our work so as to fit the needs of the local Church and the culture in which we find ourselves.
From our earliest days, too, for example there were Sisters who wore a religious habit and some (those working in the Media) who did not - In other words, if it served the coming of Gods Kingdom we wore a religious habit, if it proved an obstacle to the Kingdom we adapted accordingly -the only value being the Gospel. Today our Sisters work in over 26 countries.